This list contains contact information of 8367 Travel Agents in and around Australia. Our Travel Agents Database is a helpful resource to effortlessly connect with new businesses. Downloading our database will enable you to locate the best Travel Agents for your specific requirements.
This database reflects the most current Travel Agents List as of May 2023. Our information is kept up to date with the latest public records such as web and phone directories. We ensure we gather as much accessible information as possible. Information is supplied as a Microsoft Excel file so it compatible with most business databases. The accuracy of the list is dependent upon the sources that we have used. It is presented in a clear and organised format, which allows you to quickly identify the information that you need.
The table below gives a full breakdown of businesses for Travel Agents in each State and Postcode.
Categories | Categories Count | State | State Count |
Accommodation Booking & Inquiry Services | 698 | ACT | 70 |
Adventure Tours & Holidays Packages | 490 | NSW | 2530 |
Airlines & Travel Agents | 305 | NT | 99 |
Holidays & Resorts | 2596 | QLD | 2181 |
Ski Resorts & Tours | 117 | SA | 505 |
Sports Tours & Holidays | 27 | TAS | 298 |
Travel Accessories | 108 | VIC | 1814 |
Travel Agents | 3957 | WA | 870 |
Travel Health | 49 | ||
Travel W'Salers | 20 | ||
Email Count | 3745 | ||
Emails Missing | 4622 | ||
Phone Count | 8301 | ||
Fax Count | 9 | ||
Website Count | 4332 | ||
Address Count | 7629 | ||
ABN Count | 1081 |
The Columns of data included are as follows.
Business Name |
Business Category |
Address |
City |
State |
Postcode |
Phone |
Website |
Fax |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Employees |
Established |
Licence No. |
ABN Status |
ABN Name |
The Travel Agents Database is the perfect tool to build up your database of contacts. It is ideal for people in any of the following roles:
- Salespeople
- Business owners
- Directors of New Companies
- Individuals Starting a New Business
- Marketing Managers
- Mailing Centres
- Government Agencies
This contact database of Travel Agents in Australia is available for instant download from this website. It is supplied as a Microsoft Excel file.
Types of Industries that the Travel Agents in Australia List would be of benefit to are:
- Office Equipment Suppliers
- Job Recruitment Agencies
- Occupational Health and Safety Assessors
- Office Supply Companies
- Finance Companies
- Advertising Providers
- Computer Stores
- Specialist Software Developers
This is our current Restaurants List as of May 2023. It is based on the accuracy of public records like phone and web directories, so if the source of the data is up to date, so is ours.
Please be aware of Anti-Spam Laws before using bulk email lists. Other providers selling bulk emails are usually not supposed to do so. Buying an email list off another provider can often leave you open to fines if you bulk email the contacts without consent off the email owner.
Once payment is received, our system will send you an email automatically which will be a Tax Invoice and will have a link to download the file. We do not send physical copies. Please check your Junk Folder after payment if you didn't receive the email.
wonderful experience
A wonderful experience was all the help I got from this list . A very sophisticated and helpful experience. I highly recommend this.
get past the research phase
It helps me get past the research phase, and still, provides me with the information I need to fuel my marketing campaign.
Less Hustle
Thank you for this tool I found a great travel agent here in Toowoomba. Highly recommended.
great database
We got the Travel Agents database to target prospective customers around Queensland area. Great help.
Perfect resource!